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Beautiful Tajweed
Welcome to Beautiful Tajweed!
Lesson 1: The First Steps to Reciting with Excellence
Intentions and Getting Started (16:10)
Common Letter Mistakes (12:35)
The Vowel Sounds Pt. 1 and the Fathah (18:21)
Lesson 2: Gaining Clarity and Quality in Sound
The Vowel Sounds Pt. 2 (15:01)
The Vowel Sounds Pt. 3 (15:18)
Surah al-Fatihah (20:07)
Lesson 3: Awakening and Beautifying Sound Part 1
The Heavy Letters (13:51)
The Heavy Letters - Laam and Raa Pt. 1 (13:07)
Surah al-Feel (19:58)
Lesson 4: Awakening and Beautifying Sound Part 2
The Heavy Letters - Laam and Raa Pt. 2 (12:54)
More on the Letter Raa (17:03)
Surah Quraysh and Combo Vowels (16:22)
Lesson 5: Gaining Quality of Sound in Letters with Sukoon
The Qalqalah (12:08)
The Kaaf and Taa (15:07)
Surah al-Ma'oon and Holding onto Sukoon (16:00)
Lesson 6: How to Transition Between Difficult Letter Combinations
Transitioning Between Heavy and Light Pt. 1 (11:11)
Transitioning Between Heavy and Light Pt. 2 (13:23)
More on Transitioning and the Letter Substitution Test (11:01)
Surah al-Kawthar and al-Kafiroon (13:20)
Lesson 7: Tackling the Rules of Noon Saakin, Tanween and Meem Saakin
Noon Saakin, Tanween, and Meem Saakin Pt. 1 (13:04)
Noon Saakin, Tanween, and Meem Saakin Pt. 2 (16:49)
Noon Saakin, Tanween, and Meem Saakin Pt. 3 (18:39)
Lesson 8: The Elongation of Letters, Vowels and Sound
Short Elongation (Madd) (15:10)
Medium Elongation (Madd) (19:52)
Long Elongation (Madd) and Surah Recitation (22:33)
Surah an-Nasr (3:02)
Lesson 9: Putting it all together through recitation Pt. 1
Surah al-Fatihah Recitation (20:42)
Surah al-Feel Recitation (15:41)
Surah Quraysh Recitation (14:43)
Surah al-Ma'oon (14:41)
Lesson 10: Putting it all together through recitation Pt. 2
Surah al-Kawthar and al-Kafiroon (20:03)
Surah an-Nasr and al-Masad (16:13)
Surah al-Ikhlaas, al-Falaq and an-Naas (18:12)
A Few Concluding Remarks
Course Workbook
Additional Resources
The Heavy Letters - Laam and Raa Pt. 1
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